Valenki are traditional Russian winter footwear dating back to the 18th century. Valenki means “made by felting” and these boots are made of sheep’s wool. Initially only the wealthy wore them as they were very expensive. At the end of the 19th century factories opened and they were mass produced, making them more affordable. In the 20th century manufacturers added leather or rubber soles to protect the felt as the boots were not water-resistant.
While researching the history of these boots I learned that a valenak (the singular form of valenki) is used for fortune telling, specifically to help single women find a husband! On Christmas Eve single Russian women would go into the street and throw a valenak up to the sky. When the boot landed the position of it’s leg indicated in which direction the young woman should seek a husband. Interesting!
Valenki are also said to be healing due to their warmth and natural materials. Peter the Great, a Russian Tsar, was said to have worn them to cure his hangovers. (I can see many individuals running out to get them now!) I don’t know if this is actually true, but I love reading about this and had to share it!
I came across @OneOfaKind.LA and was instantly intrigued. I reached out to Veronika and she told me that she bought her first pair of Valenki two years ago. The person selling them was going to discontinue doing so and Veronika decided to try to sell them in America. She found a manufacturer in Russia and order from them because they are 100% wool, offer pretty colors, and are comfortable. Veronika felt these were the perfect boots for her to decorate. She decorates the boots using pom poms (like the ones I’m wearing), pearls, and sequin and beaded appliqués. Her boots are so beautiful and can be worn with anything! Aside from this skirt I’ve worn mine with jeans, dresses, overalls-they’re very versatile and I’ll be living in them this winter.
You can find Veronika and her Valenki at @OneOfaKind.LA and there you can see the different colors and designs available. Have fun styling them!
These are really beautiful. And I have never heard of Valenki before. Love the pom pom, they must be incredibly popular.
Hi Penny, I’d never heard of them before I found Veronika and @OneOfaKind.LA (on Instagram) and I’m so glad I found her. They’re so cute and so comfy. Take a look. She has so many colors and different ways they’re decorated! Thanks for reading! xo, Michele
Very interesting story. I like finding out how certain clothes and styles happened. The pom poms are very cute.
Hi Marijke, I agree-it’s so interesting to learn the background of different clothes and styles! Thanks for reading. xo, Michele
Great looking boots I love the fun vibe !
Thanks Nancy. They are so fun and so comfy! xo, Michele