How does one actually become a bored housewife? I wasn’t always bored-believe me being a mom to four children in seven years with a husband who traveled a ton for work did not make for boredom, or free time for that matter. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my time with my kids, so much so that I find I really miss the homework, chauffeuring, making lunches, etc. etc. Now that my kids are out of the house I find myself with so much time I just don’t know what to do-yup, I’m bored! (In reality I’ve been bored since the youngest got her license five years ago and I became superfluous, it’s just taken me this long to do something about it-guess I’m a bored procrastinator!)

I was sitting in my usual spot on the couch (I have to remember to rotate the cushions-my butt is permanently imprinted!) talking with my daughter, who is a successful lifestyle blogger, about being bored and maybe starting a blog. She said, “Mom you’ve got the writing background, the life experience, the stories, and the interest.” My response, “I’ve got the time!” And so Diary of a Bored Housewife began (with a ton of work on the part of my daughter-I didn’t realize how much was involved in setting everything up-thanks baby!!)

Hopefully as you read some of my stories, experiences and ideas you’ll see yourself, laugh, and realize that being bored can also be fun. As I started gathering ideas, I was reminded not to take myself too seriously and to laugh with and at myself often. I hope you’ll enjoy these stories and share some of your own boring experiences!

Congratulations Michelle! Excited for you.
Thank you Kathy! Hope all is well.